martes, 20 de mayo de 2014



Our proyect has only one meaning, protect our planet because we are damaging our resourses, so this proyect is to awaraness all people.

Our school is not sustainable in green aspects because in behaivoral aspects, all kids are join for this mission and they all are happy.In our survey we interview some students and staff and told us the same of our school.In our trip to the Rochester school we saw and learn many interesting things to put in practice in our school.
In our proyect our 5th R is Religion because we think a church could be a good idea for children be able to believe in a god to prtect them, also we may implement some solar pannels in spay of the fact they are spensive but they would reduce the se of the energy and also to give energy toour buses.

My sujestions is to increse some campains to promove the improvement of our proyect.To improve our sustainability like increasing Rochester's ideas, also to increase the recomendation of one of the best teachers Lucho Bernal who gave us an explanation of how we waste water and how to improve it, and the eleven greaders made us a speech of how we can make sustainable our school.We are in the process of become sustainable we have two campains one is for recycle the bateries and the other is to recycle papaers making notebooks and we are improving.

Finally we can say that our school has to reduce wastes and water.And we can say that we can make our school sustainable with out wasting much money. 

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


My Blog

Active and Passive voice--page2

History Book--page 3
Poseidon Biography--page 4
Festivals around the world--page 5
Questions OSGDS--page 6
Voki--page 7
Wter Report--page 8
OSGDS--page 9

Myths and Leyends

                                             Myths and Leyends

You can see my History-virtual book entering to . and writing this code:PXP799 which will show you my processin my myth.



People believe and say that the sea is of everyone but guess what, in the past Poseidon was the God of the sea, earth-quakes and horses. Was officially one of the most important Gods of the Olimpus and the brother of Zeus and Hades.

There were various rivers personified as Gods, these would have been technically under Poseidon sway.

Poseidon has married Nereu´s daughter. Romans called Poseidon Neptune.

The God demostrated his power by striking the Acropolis with his three-ponged spear, wich caused spring of salt water to emerge.

Poseidon was the father of hero Theseus. Poseidon was not so well-disposed towards another famous hero.

Minos has proved his divine right to rule crete by calling on Poseidon to send a bull from the sea. So Poseidon asked Aphrodite to make Minos´s wife, Pasiphae, fall in love with the bull. The result was a monstreous Minotaur, half – bull, half – man.

Poseidon often adopted the shape of a steed. It is not certain if he was in that form when he wooed Medusa. But when Medusa was killed from her neck, orn a winged horse, Pegasus.

I choose this character because, he was the God of the sea and the brother or two great Gods, also he controled the sea and the horses. His history is very interesting and in my opinion he is the best God of the Olimpus.


Paola Saboya- 6c.

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Festivals and carnivals around the world

                                                      WHAT IS BARRANQUILLA´S CARNIVAL

Barranquilla´s carnival is Colombia´s most important folklore celebretion, and is the biggest carnival in the world behind the Rio the Janeiro carnival.
 Is a cultural event in which the people demostrate the traditions of the Caribbean Coast.
Barranquilla´s Carnival was created in the century XIX.It start the second Saturday of January and last four days of intense festivities.
   Barranquilla normal activities are paralyzed because the city  gets busy with street dances, musical  and masquerade parades.   
Saturday: Is the flower war in which the people pass with carriages and based in that they select the queen.  Two groups pass to celebrate the 1000 days of war.
Sunday: All the day is only misic & dance and this day are not carriege.
Monday: Only musical groups and bands compete for the gold congo.
Tusday: The towns celebrate  Joselito´s funeral, they were costumes, they dance and enjoy all day.

Garabato: Is a tipical dance of the atlantic coast, that costumes means between the live and the  death.
   Marimonda: This costume is a mock of  the high class.
   Monocuco: They represent the monkeys that steal the food of the people that were passing.
   Black Puloy: They paint red their lips and they use mask with big eyes.
Caiman: There was a little girl that was dancing and a coocodrile  eat her when  the mom arrive.
¢Cabezones: The persons put costumes of people with big heads and small arm.
¢Enanos: Big and crazy heads with small arms.
¢Mapale: Is a energetic dance with too much energy.
¢Cumbia: Is a dance that is in pairs.
¢Pilanderas: They take out the rice and the corn.

The Queen of the carnaval select the best house decoratet for the carnaval based on their effort and give a price of one million pesos.