martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Water Report

                                                   Water Report

The last Monday we had an interesting talk about how to care our  beautiful & most important recourse, the water with a teacher invited by Miss Libia our guest name is Lucho.

Lucho explain us that our most important recourse is the water as you can see a human can survive a month without eatting but he can survive a week without drinking water.

Before water was free for all of us but then it began being sell by important empreses like Coca-Cola,Nesttle etc.
In ancient times,  people buy water to seem to be important.
People began to belive that water from the sinks was contaminated and begun to buy wáter from factories.
Now days people in different parts of our Word need to drink water contaminated.
We invate you to take conciens of your acts save water and no matter how you are changing a Little part of our planet!!

Here are some few steps to make a change

What are you waiting now, make a change!!!

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

                      Our Sustainable Dream Green 


My school will help the enviroment with solar panels, wind panels etc.

It will have special cares for inbalid children for them to be trated as others.

There will be campaings for anti-bullying for children fell
confortable saying what they  think without being judge.

It will have a pool for children be good in other sport and enjoy being at a real race.

There will be a farm for the children understand how the animals live and interact with theyre enviroment.

Also there will be a gastronomy class for children learn how to preapere some food in case there was an emergency.
There will be  trees  for children learn how to care the nature for the next generations.
There would be a jokey & skating rink.
The water of the rain would be recicle for different aspects.
A theatre would be a great idea for children stimulate speking and iteracting with others.
Also there will be a big and confortable park.