martes, 20 de mayo de 2014



Our proyect has only one meaning, protect our planet because we are damaging our resourses, so this proyect is to awaraness all people.

Our school is not sustainable in green aspects because in behaivoral aspects, all kids are join for this mission and they all are happy.In our survey we interview some students and staff and told us the same of our school.In our trip to the Rochester school we saw and learn many interesting things to put in practice in our school.
In our proyect our 5th R is Religion because we think a church could be a good idea for children be able to believe in a god to prtect them, also we may implement some solar pannels in spay of the fact they are spensive but they would reduce the se of the energy and also to give energy toour buses.

My sujestions is to increse some campains to promove the improvement of our proyect.To improve our sustainability like increasing Rochester's ideas, also to increase the recomendation of one of the best teachers Lucho Bernal who gave us an explanation of how we waste water and how to improve it, and the eleven greaders made us a speech of how we can make sustainable our school.We are in the process of become sustainable we have two campains one is for recycle the bateries and the other is to recycle papaers making notebooks and we are improving.

Finally we can say that our school has to reduce wastes and water.And we can say that we can make our school sustainable with out wasting much money.